Mission Statement

Yerak promotes peace and friendship by sharing and creating the unique diversity of the world's vast cultures and art forms. Our focus is to create an opportunity to experience a cultural diversity and create a lifelong friendship in communities through our interactive music program.


Yerak Ethnic Contemporary Performing Arts(Yerak) was established as a Non-profit organization 501(c)3 in 2011. Yerak’s cross cultural activities have been exhibited in numerous events and venues, including TED x UCLA, LACMA, Levitt Pavilions, the Ford amphitheater and the Book Concert at LA Public Library. Along with performance, Yerak has been providing and organizing cultural diversity and educational programs through music and art.

Our Projects

Klemzer Juice Educational Program

Klezmer Juice inspires young minds to reach beyond the boundaries of their world. The program includes singing, dancing and learning the rhythm of traditional music from around the world, which cultivates the artistic sentiments of young people. Blending Jewish and Latin sound with fresh interpretations of traditional & original tunes, the program serves as a gateway into the lives of diverse peoples of the world.
Klezmer Juice website

Yerak Educational Program

Yerak joins traditional East Asian instruments with classic Western instruments, allowing for new and modern interpretations, while keeping tradition alive, presenting new and exciting crossover music. The program is focused on promoting music and cultural exchange, and transcending differences of nationality and race.

Kizambo and The Sawtelle MPB Jazz Trio

Kizambo and The Sawtelle MPB Jazz Trio is the Brazilian music project which share the beauty of Brazilian Music and Dance to the community. Inspired by an infectious Northeastern Brazilian dance music, forró and modern popular Brazilian music, we create a colorful soundtrack and a joyful carnival music to any event or venue. In the educational program, we’re honored to provide an opportunity to learn Brazilian drumming and dance in an inclusive, supportive setting, and to perform at various local community events.
KIZAMBO website

Recent Activity

Our activities

08/28/2024 Three Club

09/19/2024 Del Rey Yacht Club

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